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Save the rhinos

Autorenbild: fabienne schererfabienne scherer

How We Can Protect Rhinos – Awareness and Action

Rhinos are the gentle giants of the savanna – ancient in appearance, majestic, and yet in grave danger. They are the second-largest land mammals after elephants, weighing up to 2.5 tons. With their thick, often scarred skin and the iconic horn on their noses, they look like survivors from a prehistoric time. Yet, beneath this imposing exterior lies a sensitive and fascinating creature.

For over 50 million years, rhinos have roamed our planet. They have survived ice ages, outlived massive predators, and adapted to changing landscapes. Their ancestors once shared the world with dinosaurs, yet today, humans have pushed them to the brink of extinction. These ancient creatures, which have withstood the test of evolution, could disappear within just a few decades if we fail to act.

Rhinos are solitary or live in small groups, communicating through sounds, body language, and even scent markings. They love mud baths, which protect them from insect bites, and form strong bonds with their calves, which they raise with great care. Anyone who has ever heard the soft snorts of a rhino or witnessed a mother gently nudging her baby forward will carry these animals forever in their heart.

My Journey Through South Africa

During my tree-month journey through South Africa, I heard countless emotional stories – from rangers who risk their lives to protect these gentle giants to villagers who wept as they recalled witnessing poachers kill a mother rhino, leaving her calf orphaned. One story in particular stays with me – a young rhino rescued in a sanctuary. It had spent the night desperately standing beside its slain mother, who had been brutally murdered by poachers. Without the rangers who saved it, the calf would have had no chance of survival.

But my most intense and perhaps most beautiful encounter with a rhino happened unexpectedly. I was on an elephant experience day at Jabulani Reserve – a day meant to bring me closer to Africa’s giants. I will write another post about that, as it was incredible to be near these gentle beings. But then something magical happened: In the midst of the elephant gathering, a magnificent black rhino appeared – its horn fully intact. It had caught the scent of food and curiously wandered in.

We were immediately instructed to step back, but I stood frozen in awe – mesmerized by this prehistoric creature. It felt as if I were witnessing history itself pass before my eyes, as if a visitor from an ancient era had suddenly materialized. The strength, the serenity, and the sheer elegance of the rhino left me deeply shaken. In that moment, I knew: I would do everything in my power to protect these animals.

The Problem: Poaching and Habitat Loss

The biggest threat to rhinos is poaching. Every day, these majestic animals are brutally hunted – solely for their horns. Composed merely of keratin, the same material as our fingernails, rhino horn has no medicinal properties. Yet, in some Asian cultures, the belief persists that it has healing powers. On the black market, astronomical sums are paid for a single horn, making poaching a lucrative business.

I remember a ranger telling me about a night when she received a distress call: Poachers had entered a protected area. She and her team rushed there but arrived only to find a horrific scene – a slaughtered rhino. They had been too late. “Every time we lose one, it feels like we have failed,” she said, tears in her eyes.

But the threat does not come from poachers alone. Rhinos are also losing their natural habitat at an alarming rate. Forests and savannas are being cleared to make way for agriculture and human settlements. Roads cut through their territories, and encounters with people often end in tragedy for the animals. With fewer and fewer safe spaces to roam, and with food sources dwindling, rhinos are being pushed to the edge.

What You Can Do

You might be wondering: "What can I do as an individual?" The answer is – a lot! Each of us has the power to spark change and make a difference.

1. Raise AwarenessTalk to people about poaching and conservation. The more people are informed, the greater the pressure on policymakers.

2. Do Not Buy Rhino Horn ProductsThis may seem obvious, but eliminating demand takes away the poachers’ incentive.

3. Support Conservation OrganizationsDonate to or volunteer with organizations dedicated to rhino protection. Some organizations specifically focused on rhino conservation in South Africa include:

4. Promote Ethical TourismChoose safari operators who actively support rhino conservation and practice ethical tourism.

5. Sign PetitionsAdvocate for stricter laws against poaching and the illegal rhino horn trade.

6. Use Social MediaShare content and spread awareness to reach a wider audience.

Hope for the Future

The situation is dire, but it is not hopeless. If we unite and take action, we can save these magnificent creatures. Rhinos do not belong only in history books – they belong in the wild, free and untamed.

Every step counts, whether it’s supporting rhino protection through donations, promoting ethical tourism, or simply sharing powerful images. Be part of the movement. Let’s protect rhinos – for today, tomorrow, and generations to come.


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